
On this page, we'll look at why HTTP caching is important when using GitHub APIs.

Let's create a simple program that takes the name of a GitHub repository and displays the stars in real time.

To use GitHub APIs, we first need an access token. See how to create a github token here.

However, if we write a program that makes a large number of HTTP requests to the GItHub servers, we will be blocked for a period of time because github has rate limits in place to prevent overloading their servers.

In such cases, APIs frequently provide HTTP caching functionality, which we can use to retrieve the response from the local cache or make a new request if the data on the server has changed.

To ensure that cached responses are not counted, we should also display the rate limit.

import os
from time import sleep

import hishel

TOKEN = os.getenv("TOKEN")

client = hishel.CacheClient(
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {TOKEN}",
        "X-GitHub-Api-Version": "2022-11-28",
        "Accept": "application/vnd.github+json",

repo = input("Enter repo name: ")  # example: "karpetrosyan/hishel"
organization, repo = repo.split("/")

while True:
    stars_response = client.get(f"{organization}/{repo}")
    stars = stars_response.json()["stargazers_count"]

    rate_response = client.get("")
    remaining = rate_response.json()["rate"]["remaining"]

    print(f"\rStars: {stars} Remaining rate limit: {remaining}", end="")

Change hishel.CacheClient to httpx.Client to see how quickly you are wasting your rate limits!

When HTTPX makes a real request in each iteration, Hishel consumes the rate limit only once and stores the response in the local cache.

Also, keep in mind that when the stars count is updated, it will not be displayed immediately when using Hishel because it uses the cached response; instead, it will wait until the local response is considered stale before re-validating that response.

Because GitHub sends a header indicating that this response has a maximum lifespan of 60 seconds, you will see the updated stars count after 60 seconds.

Here is what that header looks like:

Cache-Control: private, max-age=60, s-maxage=60

Anyway, if you want to see the update without any delay, you can explicitly tell the Hishel that you want to always re-validate the response before using it, which is also free and doesn't have a rate limit!


client = hishel.CacheClient(
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {TOKEN}",
        "X-GitHub-Api-Version": "2022-11-28",
        "Accept": "application/vnd.github+json",